I bring to my copywriting a unique combination of conceptual, strategic, and creative skills. And I know how to apply those skills to both digital content copywriting and traditional media.
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After the acquisition of a rival contact lens company, CIBAVision needed an on-target big creative concept to introduce the new brand to its professional B2B market. Their ad agency brought me in to develop new creative concepts and strategies with associate creative director Sandy Barth. The far-sighted (yes, that was a pun) Jetsons concept that we created (shown here as a gatefold magazine insert) would memorably introduce the new line-up while scaling-up to allow for extensions and promotions into their consumer B2C market.

B2B • High Concept Creative • High Awareness • Print Ads

CIBAVision - Outside Cover

CIBAVision - Outside Cover

CIBAVision - Inside Spread

CIBAVision - Inside Spread

Jetsons 4-page.jpg
CIBAVision - Final Gatefold

CIBAVision - Final Gatefold